Use to remove most of your bees before you take the honey super off for extracting.
This inner cover features bee escapes on each corner and allows you to clear your supers with ease! Simply place this inner cover, escape side down, between your honey supers and brood chambers when you're ready to harvest your honey!
As the bees leave the super for the night to tend to the brood they cannot return to the honey super.
We recommend you put the escape on late afternoon for the honey removal the next day. Leave any longer and the bees are intelligent enough to work out getting back to the honey.
Tip: If you have a strong hive and there are loads of bees on frames then we suggest you add an empty ideal super under your honey super with the escape board in between so the bees have somewhere to escape to. Otherwise it may not clear the honey super.
Made for both 8-frame and 10-frame equipment. Please choose desired size.